Nevada Energy
L&S Energy Services is a Nevada Energy (NVEnergy) Partner and performs technical assistance studies, energy audits, engineering services, HVAC consulting, IT energy solutions, lighting, agriculture irrigation and refrigeration solutions for Nevada’s Energy customers. Under its State of Nevada engineering license, L&S serves the Casino, Logging, Government, Industrial, Medical and Retail markets in Southern Nevada. New Conduction energy modeling and LEED services are also offered.
Please call or email Dr. Dennis R. Landsberg P.E. at 702-280-5742 for more information.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
L&S Energy provides many specialized services statewide to New York State industries and business under contract with NYSERDA. L&S is an approved commercial and industrial vendor for Flexible Technical Assistance, Industrial Process and Efficiency (IPE), Agriculture Energy Efficiency, Existing Facilities Prequalified and Performance Based incentives, New Construction (High Performance, LEED and Net Zero) and is a Multi-Family Performance Program Partner. L&S provides quality assurance and control services assisting NYSERDA in its efforts to insure the public dollar is spent in accordance within NYS guidelines.
In addition, L&S serves as an Independent Contractor to NYSERDA for the Small Commercial Energy Assessment Program specifically designed for the small business who have under 10 employees, need customized assistance with energy efficiency projects, financing and customer contractor relationship management.
National Grid Upstate New York, Downstate New York and Massachusetts
As a Technical Assistance (TA) provider to National Grid, L&S provides custom analysis and quality control services to its large commercial and industrial base customers. This service can be cost shared by National Grid and the customer to help provide an objective non vendor driven analysis to help larger electric and natural gas customers explore their cost benefit before investing large sums of money in energy efficient equipment and process improvements.
Certified Commissioning Firm, Building Commissioning Certification Board
Modern building systems operate interactively. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical and control systems need to work in conjunction with each other to achieve optimum performance and energy utilization. L&S Energy Services help facilitate expert commissioning, retro-commissioning and ongoing commissioning services for both new construction and existing buildings. Our services focus on a wide variety of equipment and energy systems.
New York City Department of Buildings Local Law 87
L&S Energy Services is registered by the New Department of Building to provide Local Law 87 (LL87) Energy Audit surveys and analysis of energy use in buildings and retro-commissioning with the purpose of identifying opportunities to reduce the amount of energy consumed without negatively affecting the operations.
Local Law 87 (LL87) mandates that buildings 50,000 gross square feet or larger undergo periodic energy audit and retro-commissioning measures, as part of New York Cities Greener, Greater Buildings Plan (GGBP).
ENERGY STAR® Partner, Environmental Protection Agency
In 2012, L&S Energy Services earned its ENERGY STAR® Partner status from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA’s). This status was earned in part due New York City’s benchmarking effort under Law Local Law 84 (LL84).L&S benchmarked over five hundred buildings since the inception of LL84. In addition, L&S participated in certifying over fifty K-12 school buildings across New York State that meet EPA’s performance levels for comfort, lighting, and indoor air quality. Each of these school building earned the ENERGY STAR designation which perform among the top 25 percent of similar buildings nationwide. As a partner, L&S provides Energy Performance Indicators (EPIs) to help you benchmark industrial plant energy performance as well.
New Jersey Pay for Performance New and Existing Buildings Partnership
L&S is an official participant in the State of N.J.’s efforts to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ratepayers who select L&S for their commercial, industrial or new construction project can expect a whole systems analysis or custom measures analysis approach to realize to cost benefit and incentive levels of their anticipated project. New Jersey’s Clean Energy efforts offer significant financial incentives for commercial, industrial, and governmental customers to integrate energy efficient and renewable technologies into new construction, upgrades, and new cooling & heating equipment installations.
New York State Electric and Gas Corporation Rochester Gas and Electric Commercial and Industrial Rebate Program
L&S is an approved Trade Ally for both utilities. The NYSEG and RG&E Commercial and Industrial Rebate structure offers custom rebates to qualifying customers who install energy efficiency measures that are not covered by the prescriptive qualifying measures and equipment. Traditional rebates are offered as well as custom based incentives when certain requirement are met by the required evaluation and analysis process that can be completed by L&S.
Con Edison Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Energy Efficiency Program
As a Con Edison Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Energy Efficiency Program Market Partner L&S provides custom analysis services and technical support to commercial and industrial customers for the installation of energy efficient equipment and can assist with the application process. To apply for assistance please go to
Please see the L&S project portfolio at
Contact L & S Energy Services
To learn more about our company, send us a message or call 518-383-9405.