Advanced Greenhouse Development

Near Boulder Colorado an ambitious demonstration project began in 2010 that has changed the game for energy-efficient greenhouses. Dr. Michael Stiles was part of a team that evaluated the energy performance of a “green” greenhouse originated by Dr. Laurence Kinney of Synergistic Building Technologies (SBT).

SBT closed its doors a few years ago. Since joining L&S Energy, Dr. Stiles has taken up the cause of promoting “green” greenhouse design. Present goals include:

  • Educational outreach
  • Adapting the design for use in the Northeast US
  • Assisting with the development of turn-key versions of the greenhouse
  • Initiating demonstration projects
  • Implementing third-party measurement and verification of performance

The entries on this web page cover the history and exposition of the “green” greenhouse. The design is not proprietary but does require an architect for implementation in most cases. Questions, comments, and inquiries are welcomed and can be directed to Mike Stiles at or at (518) 383-9405 x 219.

But first, a brief overview. The Colorado prototype requires only sunlight as fuel for growing summertime crops in the winter.

Here’s a photo from January, two months after first planting:

…and three months later:


Note: The web links given with each document are subject to change; we attempt to keep them current. If a link does not work search on the full title of the document’s name for an updated link.

A general-audience presentation of the green greenhouse: Energy-Efficient Greenhouse Breakthrough

SBT Final Reports for the Colorado Department of Agriculture’s Advancing Colorado’s Renewable Energy (ACRE) Program: Synergistic Building Technologies Phase I 2009 Final Report

Synergistic Building Technologies & Cure Organic Farm Phase II 2009 Final Report

A computational engineering model of the greenhouse’s energy performance: A Design Model of Transient Temperature Performance for a Green Greenhouse

A PowerPoint presentation given to the Albany NY chapter of the Association of Energy Engineers, November 20, 2013: A Truly Green Greenhouse_AEE Presentation Nov 20 2013